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Study as Clinical Observer at St George’s University Hospital for Three Months in London

Dr. Ya Pan, Deputy chief physician of Department of Pediatric, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, was financial supported by the Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission to work as a clinical observer at St George’s University Hospital in London from September 6, 2019 to December 3, 2019 in UK following professor Sijo France.
St George’s is a great institution,with a proud past,a world-class offering for patients today.The original St George’s Hospital first opened its doors in the 1700s,and has made a significant mark on the practice of medicine world-wide in the three centuries since,from the development of the world’s first vaccine to the world’s first ever computed tomography(CT) scan on a human being.Today,St George’s is one of London’s biggest and busiest hospital Trusts with approximately 9,000 staff.The St George’s University hospital is one of the largest children
s hospitals in the London area and one of only four pediatric trauma wards in London.

During the three-month clinical study, Dr. Ya Pan observed and studied in the pediatric departments ITU, HDU, SCBU, PID and PICU. Participate in daily shifts, daily teaching and the director’s rounds twice a week. During the study, St. George’s Hospital will conduct 1-2 hours of clinical skills and clinical basics training every working day. Mainly include: perinatal meeting, X-ray readings, fetal pharmacy, neonatal ultrasound teaching, neonatal surgery meeting, electrocardiogram teaching and equipment teaching. During the three-months study, Dr. Ya Pan learned about the management and control of hospital sense in the British NICU, the development of breastfeeding and family participatory care, the delivery room management of very premature and critically ill children, and the specific treatment plan of HIE patients, it is very useful for us.