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Study as a Visiting Scholar at Nagasaki University for six Months in Japan

Dr.Jingjing Ma, Associate Chief Doctor of Department of Breast, Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, Women’s Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, was financial supported by the Key Specialties of Nanjing city to work as a Visiting Scholar at Nagasaki University in Japan from November 8, 2019 to May 24, 2020 following professor Tao-Sheng Li.
Atomic Bomb Disease Institute of Nagasaki University is a great institution,with specializes in cancer and radiation research. Professor Li has published More than 130 original SCI papers, and more than 5,500 Citations have been cited. He is now a member of the expert advisory committee of the overseas Chinese office of the State Council of the Chinese government, a member of the second instance of the Japan Society for the promotion of Science (JSPS), a member of the National Science Foundation of Israel, the National Science Foundation of the Czech Republic and a member of the review committee of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (key projects). At the same time, he also served as editorial board member of scientific reports, stem cells international and other international academic magazines.
During the six-month study, Dr. Ma has been working on a research project related to the role of microenvironments in the progression of breast cancer. She has been a valuable member of the research group and her English proficiency has been improved substantially during her stay.